GSOC'23 Week 8: GAM Regression Part 2

GSOC'23 Week 8: GAM Regression Part 2

Predicting Values from fitted model

Untill Now we have Fitted the Models for Two different functions for 100 synthetic sample values with added noise.

$$f_1(x) = sin (3x).$$


$$f_2(x) = x^3$$

Now when the backfitting algorithm converges, the last returned values from the splinefit function will be the model smooth function. Recall from the last post that the GAM :

$$g(\mu) = b_0 + f(x_1) + f(x_2) + \ldots + f(x_p)$$

where b0 is the mean of the response and f(x1) to f(xp) are the smooth functions. To predict the values we have to implement the link function g(u).

# function predict_val for predicting values

function ypred = predict_val (splstr, X, m)

  [n_samples n_features] = size (X);
  ypred = ones (rows (X), 1) * m;

  for j = 1:n_features
    ypred = ypred + ppval (splstr(j), X (:,j));

#perdicting values 
y_pred = predict_val (ppf, X, m);

Comparing values

Parsing Interactions